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World Oats Production, Consumption, and Stocks 
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
Date Created  03/11/2025 12:00:34 PM  
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  2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25
European Union 8,473 7,502 7,485 5,971 7,625 7,625
Canada 4,576 2,899 5,226 2,643 3,358 3,358
Russia 4,127 3,733 4,500 3,300 3,000 3,000
Australia 1,898 1,735 1,587 1,000 1,200 1,311
Brazil 853 1,143 1,190 984 1,060 1,042
United Kingdom 1,031 1,123 1,007 830 1,000 1,000
China 760 780 790 840 850 850
Argentina 510 725 429 565 600 600
Chile 525 578 333 458 475 475
Ukraine 515 478 380 430 400 460
Turkey 315 276 365 325 340 340
Kazakhstan 240 182 229 150 330 330
Belarus 445 350 375 350 320 320
Norway 316 269 291 300 300 300
Algeria 69 40 105 105 105 105
Others 355 436 386 383 389 392
Subtotal 25,008 22,249 24,678 18,634 21,352 21,508
United States 954 578 837 828 984 984
World Total 25,962 22,827 25,515 19,462 22,336 22,492
Total Consumption
European Union 8,250 7,475 7,400 6,285 7,415 7,365
Russia 4,050 3,650 4,300 3,050 2,750 2,750
Canada 2,340 1,920 2,565 1,989 2,050 2,100
China 1,025 1,125 1,250 1,300 1,280 1,280
Brazil 850 1,125 1,175 975 1,050 1,025
United Kingdom 969 1,007 870 746 875 885
Australia 1,200 1,200 1,100 750 750 750
Argentina 525 710 450 555 600 600
Chile 615 570 420 455 520 520
Ukraine 475 465 405 415 385 440
Turkey 315 280 370 325 350 350
Belarus 440 350 375 350 325 325
Norway 340 295 300 355 325 325
Kazakhstan 235 205 205 160 290 290
Mexico 235 265 295 220 225 225
Others 683 652 712 682 723 725
Subtotal 22,784 21,405 22,192 18,608 19,989 19,956
United States 2,362 2,015 2,219 2,057 2,237 2,150
World Total 25,146 23,420 24,411 20,665 22,226 22,106
Ending Stocks
European Union 469 424 596 273 433 483
Canada 657 333 1,275 442 420 470
Australia 416 395 348 305 305 466
United Kingdom 147 157 140 124 194 194
China 143 140 143 144 139 139
Russia 188 122 173 149 124 124
Brazil 70 78 73 81 81 88
Others 415 341 315 321 328 336
Subtotal 2,505 1,990 3,063 1,839 2,024 2,300
United States 552 474 505 526 451 451
World Total 3,057 2,464 3,568 2,365 2,475 2,751