Export Sales Highlights

This summary is based on reports from exporters for the period June 14-20, 2024.


Wheat:  Net sales of 667,200 metric tons (MT) for 2024/2025 primarily for unknown destinations (148,000 MT), the Philippines (102,000 MT), Mexico (86,800 MT, including decreases of 16,000 MT), Japan (71,500 MT), and Thailand (55,900 MT), were offset by reductions for Trinidad and Tobago (1,000 MT). Exports of 323,100 MT were primarily to Mexico (99,000 MT), Japan (73,100 MT), Brazil (65,500 MT), Chile (55,000 MT), and Honduras (11,600 MT). 


Corn:  Net sales of 542,200 MT for 2023/2024 were up 6 percent from the previous week, but down 39 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for Mexico (453,700 MT, including 63,000 MT switched from unknown destinations and decreases of 15,900 MT), Japan (137,800 MT, including 62,000 MT switched from unknown destinations, 11,000 MT switched from the Philippines, decreases of 4,600 MT, and 62,000 MT - late), Colombia (118,700 MT, including 50,000 MT switched from unknown destinations and decreases of 11,700 MT), Taiwan (79,800 MT, including 65,000 MT switched from China and decreases of 500 MT), and Malaysia (9,000 MT), were offset by reductions for unknown destinations (277,700 MT) and the Philippines (11,000 MT). Net sales of 139,300 MT for 2024/2025 were reported for Mexico (112,600 MT), Colombia (16,000 MT), and Honduras (10,700 MT). Exports of 1,177,200 MT were down 21 percent from the previous week and 11 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Mexico (442,000 MT), Japan (281,800 MT), Colombia (187,500 MT), South Korea (68,500 MT), and China (67,400 MT). 

Optional Origin Sales:  For 2023/2024, the current outstanding balance of 52,000 MT were for Japan. 

Late Reporting:  For 2023/2024, net sales totaling 62,000 MT of corn were reported late for Japan.

Barley: No net sales were reported for the week. Exports of 300 MT were to Japan (200 MT) and South Korea (100 MT).  

Sorghum:  Net sales of 3,200 MT for 2023/2024 were down 94 percent from the previous week and 96 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases reported for China (11,200 MT), were offset by reductions for Mexico (8,000 MT). No exports were reported for the week. 

Rice:  Net sales of 17,100 MT for 2023/2024 were down 80 percent from the previous week and 76 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for Japan (13,000 MT), Mexico (4,100 MT), Saudi Arabia (1,300 MT), Canada (1,200 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), and Panama (800 MT), were offset by reductions for Venezuela (3,800 MT). Total net sales of 5,000 MT for 2024/2025 were for Honduras. Exports of 70,800 MT were up 65 percent from the previous week and 23 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Panama (24,600 MT), Haiti (15,300 MT), Japan (14,600 MT), Venezuela (5,200 MT), and Mexico (3,900 MT).


Soybeans:  Net sales of 282,900 MT for 2023/2024 were down 49 percent from the previous week and 19 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases were primarily for China (77,700 MT), the Netherlands (58,200 MT, including 62,000 MT switched from unknown destinations and decreases of 3,800 MT), Germany (56,600 MT), Mexico (20,700 MT, including decreases of 2,100 MT), and Malaysia (17,200 MT, including decreases of 5,600 MT). Net sales of 101,800 MT for 2024/2025 were reported for unknown destinations (86,000 MT), Malaysia (8,700 MT), Thailand (3,500 MT), Vietnam (1,800 MT), and Indonesia (1,800 MT). Exports of 391,900 MT were up 15 percent from the previous week and 43 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Egypt (113,200 MT), Mexico (61,500 MT), the Netherlands (58,200 MT), Germany (56,600 MT), and Japan (34,100 MT).  

Exports for Own Account:  For 2023/2024, the current exports for own account outstanding balance of 3,600 MT are for Canada (1,400 MT), Taiwan (1,200 MT), Bangladesh (500 MT), and Malaysia (500 MT).  

Export Adjustments:  Accumulated exports of soybeans to the Netherlands were adjusted down 56,592 MT for week ending June 6th. The correct destination for this shipment is Germany. 

Soybean Cake and Meal:  Net sales of 219,300 MT for 2023/2024 were up 23 percent from the previous week and 5 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for the Philippines (157,400 MT, including 65,000 MT switched from unknown destinations and decreases of 4,000 MT), Honduras (32,400 MT, including decreases of 300 MT), Costa Rica (24,000 MT), Ecuador (23,800 MT, including decreases of 200 MT), and Morocco (20,000 MT switched from unknown destinations), were offset by reductions for unknown destinations (93,000 MT), Japan (2,100 MT), Belgium (1,200 MT), and Guatemala (1,100 MT). Net sales of 24,400 MT for 2024/2025 were reported for El Salvador (15,000 MT), Costa Rica (6,000 MT), Mexico (2,400 MT), and Canada (1,000 MT). Exports of 237,800 MT were up 15 percent from the previous week, but down 2 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to the Philippines (49,300 MT), Honduras (31,900 MT), Ecuador (31,800 MT), Canada (23,400 MT), and Guatemala (22,600 MT).


Soybean Oil:  Net sales reductions of 10,600 MT for 2023/2024--a marketing-year low--were down noticeably from the previous week and from the prior 4-week average. Increases reported for Canada (800 MT), were more than offset by reductions for Mexico (11,400 MT). Net sales of 300 MT for 2024/2025 were reported for Venezuela (200 MT) and Honduras (100 MT). Exports of 5,100 MT were up noticeably from the previous week and up 7 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were to Mexico (3,700 MT) and Canada (1,400 MT).


Cotton:  Net sales of Upland totaling 90,600 RB for 2023/2024 were down 52 percent from the previous week and 50 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for China (20,000 RB, including decreases of 1,300 RB), Pakistan (16,700 RB), Vietnam (13,600 RB, including decreases of 700 RB), India (12,700 RB), and Indonesia (9,800 RB), were offset by reductions for Turkey (800 RB). Net sales of 67,600 RB for 2024/2025 were primarily for China (35,600 RB), Guatemala (10,700 RB), Vietnam (7,900 RB), Indonesia (4,400 RB), and Peru (3,300 RB). Exports of 141,000 RB were down 29 percent from the previous week and 21 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to China (28,700 RB), Pakistan (22,400 RB), Turkey (19,200 RB), Vietnam (18,600 RB), and Mexico (12,000 RB). Net sales of Pima totaling 4,800 RB for 2023/2024 were down 40 percent from the previous week, but up 1 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for India (3,200 RB) and Peru (1,700 RB), were offset by reductions for China (400 RB). Total net sales reductions of 400 RB for 2024/2025 were for Peru. Exports of 6,200 RB were up 7 percent from the previous week, but down 15 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Vietnam (3,900 RB), India (1,500 RB), Peru (300 RB), Turkey (300 RB), and Germany (100 RB).


Optional Origin Sales:  For 2023/2024, the current outstanding balance of 4,400 RB, all Bangladesh. For 2024/2025, the current outstanding balance of 8,800 RB, all Pakistan. 


Exports for Own Account:  For 2023/2024, new exports for own account totaling 2,500 RB were to China. Exports for own account totaling 2,000 RB to China were applied to new or outstanding sales. The current exports for own account outstanding balance of 111,300 RB are for China (84,400 RB), Vietnam (14,700 RB), Pakistan (7,300 RB), South Korea (3,700 RB), and Turkey (1,200 RB).


Hides and Skins:  Net sales of 395,800 pieces for 2024 were up 38 percent from the previous week and 16 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases were primarily for China (300,600 whole cattle hides, including decreases of 37,500 pieces), South Korea (48,600 whole cattle hides, including decreases of 3,300 pieces), Mexico (29,200 whole cattle hides, including decreases of 3,900 pieces), Thailand (11,400 whole cattle hides, including decreases of 300 pieces), and Taiwan (2,900 whole cattle hides, including decreases of 100 pieces). In addition, total net sales of 1,900 calf skins were for Italy. Exports of 412,600 pieces were up 14 percent from the previous week and 12 percent from the prior 4-week average. Whole cattle hides exports were primarily to China (290,000 pieces), South Korea (67,900 pieces), Mexico (28,500 pieces), Thailand (15,500 pieces), and Brazil (6,500 pieces). In addition, exports of 2,600 kip skins were to Belgium.


Net sales of 278,500 wet blues for 2024 were up noticeably from the previous week and from the prior 4-week average. Increases were primarily for Vietnam (88,200 unsplit, including decreases of 200 unsplit), Thailand (73,500 unsplit and 5,600 grain splits), China (44,700 unsplit), Brazil (31,200 unsplit), and Italy (20,100 unsplit, including decreases of 1,800 unsplit). Total net sales of 1,800 unsplit for 2025 were for Italy. Exports of 140,900 wet blues were up 3 percent from the previous week, but down 1 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to China (40,800 unsplit), Vietnam (40,300 unsplit), Hong Kong (21,400 unsplit), Thailand (12,700 unsplit and 1,300 grain splits), and Italy (13,600 unsplit). Total net sales of 81,400 splits were for Vietnam. Exports of 163,600 splits were to China (88,200 pounds) and Vietnam (75,400 pounds).


Beef:  Net sales of 16,700 MT for 2024 were up 13 percent from the previous week and 17 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases were primarily for Japan (4,000 MT, including decreases of 300 MT), China (4,000 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), South Korea (3,500 MT, including decreases of 300 MT), Canada (1,300 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), and Mexico (1,100 MT). Exports of 16,400 MT were down 2 percent from the previous week, but up 1 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Japan (4,700 MT), South Korea (3,900 MT), China (1,900 MT), Canada (1,600 MT), and Taiwan (1,500 MT).


Pork:  Net sales of 39,200 MT for 2024 were up 83 percent from the previous week and 25 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for Mexico (20,200 MT, including decreases of 200 MT), Japan (5,900 MT, including decreases of 200 MT), Canada (4,200 MT, including decreases of 600 MT), South Korea (3,900 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), and Australia (3,100 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), were offset by reductions for the Dominican Republic (1,700 MT). Exports of 28,300 MT were down 2 percent from the previous week and 14 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Mexico (11,300 MT), Japan (4,100 MT), South Korea (2,700 MT), China (2,600 MT), and Canada (2,000 MT).


June 27, 2024                          1                      FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE/USDA 






COMMODITY                                         DESTINATION                          QUANITY (MT)                            MARKETING YEAR