Definitions for ESR Query
Weekly Exports - Shipments of reportable commodities exported against sales for a reporting week Friday through Thursday. |
Accumulated Exports - Accumulated shipments of reportable commodities from the beginning of the marketing year (for each commodity) to the current week ending date. * Note:Accumulated exports are revised periodically due to adjustments made by reporting exporters. |
Outstanding Sales - The total outstanding export sales contracts by country and/or commodity that have not been shipped at any given time during the marketing year. |
Gross New Sales - Includes increases resulting from new export sales, contract adjustments, loading tolerances, changes in marketing year, change in commodity or sales made against exports for the exporter's own account. Note: Gross new sales will include sales that were unshipped (carryover sales) at the end of the marketing year. |
Net Sales or Net Changes- The sum total resulting from new export sales, increases resulting from changes in destination, decreases resulting from changes in destination, decreases resulting from purchases from foreign sellers, and cancellations resulting from contract adjustments, buybacks, loading tolerances, changes in marketing year, or change in commodity. |
Total Commitment - The grand total of outstanding sales plus accumulated exports by country and/or commodity at any given time during the marketing year. |